Fisherman's Own Ready-to-cook Dishes

Fisherman's Own Ready-to-cook Dishes

Drop by your IGA fish department! In no time at all you'll find seasoned and ready-to-cook fish and seafood! What’s our secret? The brochettes, fillets, and steaks are marinated in store.

A list of pure ingredients

The marinades in your Les Prêts-à-cuire du Poissonnier fish dishes contain:

  • No preservatives 
  • No artificial colours 
  • No artificial flavours
  • No added sulphites

Five tips for becoming a top BBQ chef

  • Preheat barbecue 10 to 15 minutes before grilling food.
  • Keep fish and seafood refrigerated until cooking time. Do not leave them out in the sun or at room temperature while waiting for the barbecue to heat up.
  • Handle fish and seafood gently and as little as possible, since the flesh is delicate.
  • Rule of thumb: cook fatty fish 5 to 6 minutes per centimetre thickness (10 to 12 minutes per inch of thickness) and lean fish 2 to 3 minutes per centimetre thickness (5 to 6 minutes per inch).
  • Check the degree of doneness with a fork: fish is ready when it flakes easily with a fork and is opaque. It’s the ideal way to get perfectly cooked fish and seafood on the BBQ!


Simplify your life! The produce department has lots of fresh, pre-cut vegetables, including perfect mixtures especially for the barbecue. As for our seafood and meat departments, they have over a hundred grilling options that are ready in minutes! It’s a winning combination for a delicious, complete meal!
Learn more

Grilling chart for Ready-to-Cook dishes

Ready-to-cook varieties Cook Approximate cook time (min/side) Approximate cook time (min/cm thick) Approximate cook time (min/in thick) Cooking surface BBQ Intensity
Salmon, tuna, or blue marlin brochette Uncovered 4-6 - - Aluminum foil or foil-wrapped Medium-high
Salmon or pangasius tournedos Uncovered - 4-5 8-10 Aluminum foil or foil-wrapped Medium-high
Tilapia, pangasius, or mahi-mahi fillet Uncovered - 4-5 8-10 Aluminum foil or foil-wrapped Medium-high
Salmon or trout fillet Uncovered - 4-5 8-10 Oiled grill rack Medium-high
Shrimp brochette, 31–40 Uncovered 2-3 - - Oiled grill rack Medium-high
Shrimp brochette, 16–20 or 26–30 Uncovered 3-4 - - Oiled grill rack Medium-high
Scallop brochette Uncovered 2-3 - - Aluminum foil ou en papillote Medium-high
Shrimp and scallop brochette Uncovered 2-3 - - Aluminum foil ou en papillote Medium-high
Salmon and scallop brochette Uncovered 4-5 - - Aluminum foil ou en papillote Medium-high
U10 scallops Uncovered 2-3 - - Aluminum foil Medium-high

*NOTE: Watch food closely, since the cooking times are given only as guidelines; doneness will depend on the barbecue.

To find more variety, ask your fisherman.