Organic fruit and vegetables

Organic fruit and vegetables

What do you know about organic fruit and vegetables? Though organic products are gaining in popularity and are presented in separate sections in most of our stores, it’s sometimes difficult to differentiate them from their non-organic counterparts. Learn what makes them special and find out about official certification organizations.

Organically-grown fruit and vegetables

  • No chemical pesticides or weed killers. Mainly mechanical or thermal weeding techniques. Biological control used to protect crops.
  • No contact with synthetic fertilizers or sewage sludge. Soil is reinforced using proven agricultural methods like crop rotation, application of natural manure, and spreading composted organic material.
  • No seeds originating from GMOs used. Only original seeds used.

Organic and fair trade bananas


Did you know that IGA is the only major food banner in Canada to offer organic and Fairtrade-certified bananas? Eating these bananas is a terrific way to encourage Fairtrade business.


These bananas are imported from Equifruit, a Quebec-based company that has been distributing organic and Fairtrade fruits in Canada since 2007.


What is certified fair-trade fruit?

This certification indicates that the buyers and sellers meet the standards set by Fairtrade International (FLO), an international certification organization.

10 years of Equifruit!