

Delicate, juicy, delicious and sweet, raspberries are loved by all!
How to pick the freshest raspberries

How to pick the freshest raspberries

Fresh, ripe raspberries are firm and plump, deep red in colour and free of mold.

Because raspberries are such a delicate fruit, make sure you place them near the top of your grocery bags—not squished at the bottom!

And finally, always rinse them gently under cold water right before eating them.

How to keep them fresher longer

Raspberries should be eaten soon after harvest, seeing as they only keep a day or two in the fridge. To prolong their freshness, place them in a sealed container and only wash them right before you plan on eating them.

How to enjoy them

Thanks to their deliciously unique flavour, raspberries can be enjoyed as is, or used in your favourite recipes! As is: add them to your salads, use them as an ice cream topping, or tip them in chocolate fondue. Cooked: make them the star ingredient in your compotes, jams and pies!