
Deli meat platter

Whether it's a dinner for one or an occasion for sharing, serving deli meat is a great way to create a festive atmosphere on crisp winter days. And what better than a nice glass of red wine to go with it!

IGA tips and tricks

IGA tips and tricks: Hors-d’œuvres platter

Platter for two

An intimate celebration!
Fill a pretty, rectangular serving dish with slices of Le Sauciflard sausage, some game terrine, and thin slices of prosciutto. Top it off with marinated veggies, old-fashioned mustard, and a selection of crackers and bread!

“Surprise visit” platter

Nothing does the trick for improvising when unexpected guests drop by like a lovely platter of deli meats!
Place some Le Sauciflard grelot sausages, old-style smoked ham, and liver pâté on a parchment-lined wooden plank for a rustic look. Put the pâté on a small serving dish and place a pretty, little knife beside it. Add some olives, dried fruit, and nice slices of bread to complete the presentation!

The grandiose platter

Impress even the most discriminating gourmets!
Don't be afraid to try sweet and savoury flavours together, and to contrast your textures. A variety of products are great alongside deli meat. Try adding some pesto, salsa, and mushrooms sautéed in butter. And for a little bit of sweetness, use blueberry jam and caramelized onion confit. Complete your platter with a nice, soft cheese and some fresh and dried fruit.

Some topping suggestions for canapés:

  • Top a toasted piece of baguette with a thin slice of rustic cooked turkey breast and a dollop of pesto. 
  • Top a cracker with a thin slice of prosciutto and a dollop of blueberry jam. 
  • Top a slice of bread with a piece of soft cheese garnished with onion confit.