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With their delicate flesh and fresh sea-like taste, fish take us on a gustative journey and make the finest taste buds tingle. On top of being delicious, they are packed with healthy nutrients: they’re an excellent source of protein, omega 3, and are low in saturated fat and cholesterol.
To highlight them in your plate and vary your menu each week, follow this guide on the various cooking and prepping techniques.
This is the ideal technique for quickly and simply cooking small whole fish, fillets, or steaks.
This is a great technique for cooking whole fish, steaks, and fillets using very little liquid and the seasoning of your choice. For maximum flavour, spoon the fish with its juices several times while cooking. Delicate-fleshed fish should be cooked en papillote.
The grill isn’t reserved just for meat! Grilling whole fish, firm fillets, and fish en papillote are all delicious options. If you’re short on time, head to your IGA’s fish and seafood counter and discover our vast selection of ready-to-cook options, marinated with top-quality ingredients you’re sure to love.
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