

Fresh and crunchy, lettuces are the key ingredient to light summer meals! They contains lots of water and is low in calories. Vitamin and mineral content differs for different lettuce varieties, but in general, this leafy greens is high in folate and in vitamin A and K

Summer headliners

Boston lettuce

Boston lettuce

Storage time: 3 to 4 days

Tender and delicate with a fine and sweet taste, it is also called butter lettuce! Its large soft leaves are ideal for sandwiches and burgers, to make rolls instead of bread, or simply a salad!

Green and red leaf lettuce

Green and red leaf lettuce

Storage time: 3 to 4 days

Tender and flavourful with the subtle flavour of hazelnuts.
Delicious in salads garnished with fresh or dried fruit, nuts, hazelnuts, seeds, and croutons.

Head lettuce

Head lettuce

Storage time: 3 to 4 weeks

Crunchy, crispy, and refreshing.
Its shape and texture make it perfect for burgers and sandwiches.

Romaine lettuce

Romaine lettuce and romaine hearts

Storage time: 3 to 4 days

Sweet and crunchy. The inner leaves are the most delicious.
It’s a classic in Caesar salad. Try it minced or added to soup right before serving.

How to choose

  • Choose very green lettuce with fresh leaves and no brown spots. Avoid limp, soggy lettuce.
  • As a general rule, the more dark green the lettuce, the more nutritious it is.

How to store lettuce

  • Wash leaf and romaine lettuce as soon as you get it home. Soak it in a large bowl of cold water (or in the outer bowl of your salad spinner) so any dirt sinks to the bottom. Remove leaves by hand and dry using paper towel or a salad spinner.
  • Transfer lettuce to an air-tight container or a paper towel-lined plastic bag. Refrigerate, preferably in the vegetable drawer.
  • Never store lettuce with fruit. When exposed to ethylene gas that is emitted by fruits like apples, pears, bananas, cantaloupe, and tomatoes, lettuce deteriorates more quickly.

No more waste

  • Don’t throw out a limp lettuce unless it’s becoming slimy. Soak it for 30 minutes in a bowl of ice water, as is or with a bit of vinegar added, and then refrigerate for 1 hour. The leaves will be refreshed, but should be eaten right away.
  • Recycle limp greens in creamy soups (delicious with green peas), green smoothies, or in homemade vegetable broth.
  • Cook it as you would spinach, dropped into a skillet with a little olive oil, chopped garlic, and lemon juice.

Gourmet tips

  • It’s not just a chef’s indulgence: always tear lettuce by hand, because when cut with a knife the edges turn brown more quickly.
  • Grilling lettuce is popular right now. Cut a romaine lettuce or radicchio in half lengthwise, brush with oil, and grill it on the barbecue until lightly browned.
  • Serve mini-meatballs in leaves of iceberg lettuce as appetizers. They’re delicious hot or cold.
  • Don’t be afraid of contrasts. Garnish lettuce with candied or spiced nuts, a poached egg, diced fruit, pieces of prosciutto that are crispy like bacon, and balsamic and black pepper croutons, etc.
  • For lettuce with a more pronounced, slightly bitter taste like chicory and escarole, mix them with milder tasting lettuce, garnish them with stronger tasting ingredients like shaved parmesan, or incorporate them into a spicy gazpacho!

Vinaigrette 101

Classic vinaigrette is made with a ratio of three parts oil to one part wine vinegar. Add a bit of Dijon to help emulsify, a dash of salt and pepper, and your own personal touch.
  • Use a neutral oil like grape seed oil with some more distinctive (and pricey) oil added in. A few drops of extra-virgin olive, nut, or sesame oil is all you need to give it nice flavour.
  • Vary the vinegar and the flavour. Think balsamic, sherry, cider, raspberry vinegar, etc., or simply replace the vinegar with fresh lemon or lime juice.
  • For a hint of sweetness, add some honey, maple syrup, apple juice, concentrated orange juice, or even a bit of jam.
  • Add flavour with seasonings like fresh herbs, citrus zest, curry paste... the list goes on.
  • For a smooth and creamy vinaigrette, add a bit of mayonnaise or buttermilk. Another alternative: dress some lettuce leaves with 15% cream, add sliced green onions, salt and pepper. Toss and enjoy.
  • For a creamy, healthy vinaigrette, mix three parts plain yogurt with one part Dijon mustard and one part maple syrup.
  • Testing your vinaigrettes with a spoon can be misleading. Dipping a leaf of lettuce is a better way to taste test.

Vinaigrette the way you like it!

Nothing could be simpler! Just respect the following proportions:

Three parts oil   One part acidic liquid   Seasonings
Olive oil + Lime juice + Coriander + pepper
Nut oil + Raspberry vinegar + Basil + garlic
Sunflower oil + Grapefruit juice + Honey + sesame seeds
Canola oil + Balsamic vinegar + Maple syrup + chives
Peanut oil + Orange juice + Shallot + ginger