Chinese fondue

Chinese fondue

Everyone loves Chinese fondue because it’s so simple to make! Follow this guide for some great ideas on how to host the perfect fondue night!

Originally from the Far East, Chinese fondue has become a western classic for nights spent with friends. It’s convivial, quick to prepare, and easy to customize! Your IGA supermarket has a few great ideas for a successful supper . . . guaranteed!

Choosing the right broth is critical


To save on time, you can opt for store-bought fondue broth and serve it as is, or get creative and add your own personal touch!

  • Vegetables and aromatics: garlic, green onions, pearl onions
  • A touch of herbs: a bouquet garni, chives, basil
  • A bit of a kick: red or white wine, Tabasco sauce, ginger
  • Spices: mustard seeds, cumin, paprika, curcuma, cloves
  • Feel like making your own broth? Try this succulent recipe by Christian Bégin, or this yummy red wine-based one. For even more ideas, click here! (in French only)

Quantity: For four people, prepare approximately 1.5 to 2 L (6 to 8 cups) of liquid.

Health tip: Usually, homemade fondue broth contains less sodium than store-bought broth.


Surf and turf ideas

Surf and turf ideas

  • The classics: beef, chicken, shrimp, scallops
  • Or try something a little different: duck, bison, kangaroo, pheasant, camel, rabbit, ostrich, guinea fowl, calamari, sausage, charcuterie

Fish: a healthy alternative

Get your dose of omega-3 by adding some fatty fish options to your fondue. Think salmon or trout.

Thanks to its firm flesh, salmon is a great Chinese fondue option, as it will hold on the skewer much more easily. Tuna and mahi-mahi contain less omega-3, but are tasty options as well.

Vegan fondue

Thanks to its versatility in terms of dipping ingredients, fondue night can also be made vegan. Simply cook small cubes of tofu in a vegetable broth. For added flavour, marinate your tofu a few hours before serving.

Quantity: Approximately 200 g of meat, fish, or tofu per person.

Gourmet tip: Wrap a piece of meat around a piece of firm cheese, like Haloumi (Doré-Mi is delish!). Trust us—you’ll love it!


To elevate your fondue game, opt for Sterling Silver beef, a premium cut of meat that is aged for at least 21 days. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by how tender and flavourful it is. Dip thin slices of this meat in a delicious homemade broth for juicy, melt-in-your-mouth bites!



Vegetables and fondue go hand-in-hand: choose one of every colour!

  • Greens: broccoli, asparagus, bok choy, sweet peas
  • The classics: baby potatoes, cauliflower, mushrooms, carrots, peppers
  • Or try something a little different: cherry tomatoes, baby corn, zucchini

Quantity: Prepare approximately 250 ml (1 cup) of vegetables per person.

Cooking tip: For a more pleasant texture, and to save on time, blanche the broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes, and zucchini. Cut longer vegetables, such as asparagus and bok choy, into small pieces that are easy to skewer.



Fondue Sauces

There is a nice variety of fondue sauces available in your local grocery store, but you can also make your own!

  • Yellow curry and ginger: plain yogurt, yellow curry, green onion, ginger, honey, sour cream
  • Red pepper and pine nuts: roasted pepper purée, pine nuts, paprika, saffron, Cayenne pepper, garlic, olive oil, fresh parsley, lemon juice
  • Asian: peanut butter, hoisin sauce, rice vinegar, spicy sauce, fresh cilantro, sesame seeds

Quantity: Approximately 80 ml (1/3 cup) per person

Gourmet tip: Offer your guests a sauce from each category (spicy, sweet, and sweet & sour), that way you have everyone’s tastes covered!



Serve up golden bread with a thick crust, such as a classic or sprouted-grain baguette, so that your guests can soak up all that rich broth. A baguette is the perfect accompaniment to Chinese fondue, because it can be cut in small chunks, allowing for a bit of crunch in every bite, plus it’s much easier to skewer than soft bread.

Quantity: Approximately one large baguette for every 4 guests.

Gourmet tip: Vary the flavours of your baguette according to your guests’ tastes. Just before your guests arrive, make a few diagonal incisions on the top of the bread, drizzle with olive oil, and sprinkle with Parmesan and your favourite fresh herbs. Next, toast the baguette in the oven for a few minutes and serve warm.


To avoid any cross-contamination, separate any food that requires cooking from those that can be eaten raw, or require very little cooking. For example, make sure the chicken doesn’t come in contact with the vegetables, seeing as vegetables require less time to cook in the broth than chicken.


Opt for a robust white or a medium-bodied red, depending on your preference!

Recipe ideas to make with your fondue leftovers

When you’re done eating, you can cook all your leftover meat in the broth and then use it to make sandwiches. This makes for a great alternative to your regular ham, turkey, or other deli meats!

If you would rather store any leftover raw meat in the fridge to use in a recipe the next day, we have some great tips for you here! (in French only)

Keep your leftover broth too!
Use any leftover broth to make soup. Add a bit of wine, some cut vegetables, garlic, fresh herbs, and you’re good to go!

You can also use your broth as a base for sauces to drizzle over pan-seared meat, such as steaks, chicken breasts, and roasts. Simply deglaze the pan you used to cook your meat with one or two cups of your leftover broth and let reduce by half over medium heat. Add a drizzle of cooking cream near the end, stir, and enjoy!

Opt for an electrical fondue pot

While many people still like tealight fondue pots (their flames are comforting and quaint!), electrical sets are starting to see a rise in popularity. Safe and easy to use, they allow for better temperature control. Plus, you’ll never run out of butane again!

A few things to consider before buying an electrical fondue pot

  • Do you prefer a model whose pot rests on a heated plate, or a one-piece model?
  • Do you want a model equipped with a removable ceramic dish, which can be used for chocolate and cheese fondue as well?
  • Do you want a model with a temperature control feature that lets you set the right temperature for the type of fondue you’re having (Chinese, chocolate, or cheese)?

Also consider looking at the height of the pot: if the edges are too high, you’ll have trouble seeing inside once you’re seated.

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