fresh from quebec

Our grocers are proud to support local growers and producers

That’s why they always make room in-store for a wide array of local produce, brought in fresh several times a week.

Come and discover these local star products for yourself!

Whether they're white, red, yellow, or blue, steamed, grilled, stir-fried, scalloped, mashed, or baked, potatoes are the most versatile of all Quebec vegetables. And they’re a family favourite too.

How to choose

  • Choose firm potatoes with smooth skin that have no sprouts, bruises, or soft spots.
  • Avoid potatoes with a greenish tint; this indicates the presence of toxins caused by overexposure to the sun. 

How to store them

  • Store potatoes in a cool, dry, ventilated area, preferably away from light. They'll keep several weeks this way.
  • Avoid storing potatoes under the kitchen sink. Kept in a warm place or at room temperature, potatoes will grow sprouts in less than a week.
  • Don't refrigerate potatoes; their starch will transform into sugar and they'll blacken while cooking.
  • Finally, never store potatoes close to onions that will affect their flavour, or to apples that can reduce their storage time.

No more waste!

  • Leftover mashed potatoes can be used to make patties, either plain or combined with tinned fish, chick peas and curry, or even chopped spinach and feta. You can also use them for thickening soups and sauces.
  • Cut washed potato skins into strips, brush with olive oil, and bake in a 200°C (400°F) oven for about 10 minutes until crispy. They’re excellent with dips, sprinkled on soup, or instead of croutons in salad.
  • Unless they're turning green, don't throw out potatoes that are getting soft. Peel and soak in ice water for a quick perk-up, or use them in soups or to prepare mashed potatoes. 

Jazz up your mashed potatoes

When fall arrives, there's no better comfort food than yummy mashed potatoes. Boil them in milk or chicken broth, serve them mashed in their skins, or enhance their flavour using one or more of the following ingredients:

  • Caramelized onions
  • Roasted garlic
  • Crumbled bacon and chives
  • Corn, Monterey Jack cheese, and minced jalapeño pepper
  • Puréed vegetables such as cauliflower, carrots, celery root, or sweet potatoes
  • Parmesan, Boursin garlic & fine herbs cheese, cream cheese, grated cheddar
  • Dry salad dressing mixes: ranch, Italian, onion

Try our scalloped-style potatoes with mozzarella, cream, milk, and butter. Place under the broiler for a few minutes and then sprinkle with ground nutmeg immediately before serving. 

Gourmet Tips

  • To make extra crispy fries, soak potatoes in cold water for 30 minutes before frying.
  • Don’t limit yourself to sour cream for garnishing baked potatoes. Reinvent this classic with toppings like chili, cheese sauce, spaghetti sauce, pizza toppings, or your inspiration of the moment!
  • Combine sliced potatoes and your favourite ingredients, including at least one liquid, in a papillote. Try oil, butter, white wine, chicken broth, parmesan, Italian vinaigrette, garlic, green peas, tomatoes, onions, etc. Close and bake in the oven or cook on the barbecue for 30 to 45 minutes.
  • No time to cook? Heat a tablespoon of oil or butter with some chopped garlic, herbs, salt and pepper in the microwave for 1 minute. Add sliced potatoes and cook for about 10 minutes or until tender.
  • For a spectacular vegetable stack, layer sliced potatoes with slices of hot beets, tomatoes, and warm goat cheese. Top it all off with a drizzle of olive oil, some honey, and pink pepper.
  • For a warm potato salad, pour vinaigrette over potatoes immediately after draining them so they’ll soak up the seasonings, and then add your favourite ingredients like olives, capers, chopped pickles, onions, fresh herbs, and hard-boiled eggs.