20th anniversary - Online grocery

20th anniversary - Online grocery @IGAQC Audacious in 1996 - Essential in 2016!

Montreal, August 25, 2016 — Twenty years ago today, IGA launched a small revolution by creating a never-before-seen concept in Canada: an online grocery service. E-commerce, seen as a thing of the future at the time, has since evolved into a habit that close to one third (32.2%) of Quebec adults1 have adopted.

With over a million online orders under their belts, IGA and its independent grocers are proud to be Quebec e-commerce pioneers, providing Quebecers with a personalized and efficient shopping experience.


  • Online grocery shopping was created here in Quebec in 1996. At the time, ten stores were participating in the project, and about 50 orders were filled during the first week.
  • Twenty years later, over one million orders are filled each year and no fewer than 266 IGA stores offer the online grocery service, making it available throughout the province. 
  • The people behind the screen - Behind the concept of online grocery shopping you’ll find the independent grocers and their employees who make it all happen. From the employee at your local IGA store who carefully selects the items you’ve ordered online, to the delivery person who makes sure they arrive at your door, these are the folks who turn the virtual experience into reality.
  • Local products - IGA showcases local producers and has found personalized, effective ways to promote them online. Quebec products are clearly identified and an "Aliments du Québec" search filter allows internet users to see these certified products. 
  • The online grocery service has evolved dramatically in recent years; it is now available throughout the province and the website can be accessed on a computer, cell phone, or tablet. An online shopping app is also available.


"At the time, it wasn’t yet clear whether we were completely crazy or simply visionaries! I’m proud to see the project we launched responding so effectively to the needs of today’s consumer, and I’m also pleased to see that over the years, we were able to continue evolving to stay on top of e-commerce trends in Quebec."

Alain Dumas, Senior Director of Digital Strategy and creator of the online grocery service

“At IGA, we are proud to encourage e-commerce and the growth of Quebec SME’s. The online grocery is another tool for promoting Quebec products and local companies."

Alain Dumas, Senior Director of Digital Strategy  and creator of the online grocery service

1CEFRIO, "NETendances 2015," Online: http://www.cefrio.qc.ca/netendances/le-commerce-electronique-au-quebec-une-forte-croissance-en-2015/faire-des-achats-et-de-la-vente-en-ligne-des-activites-repandues-au-quebec/

About IGA
IGA is the largest group of independent grocers in Canada and its presence in Quebec dates to 1953. In May 2014, IGA grocers launched The Joy of Eating Better initiative that aims to help Quebecers cook differently and more often, discover local and international flavours, eat healthier, and make responsible choices. The IGA banner includes close to 300 IGA, IGA extra, IGA express, and IGA mini stores. IGA is the only grocery store in Quebec to offer consumers the opportunity to accumulate AIR MILES® reward miles.

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For information:
Judith Dontigny
Senior Advisor, Public Affairs, Sobeys Québec
Tel: 514-324-1010, ext. 2158 | Judith.Dontigny@sobeys.com