
IGA launches the + 1 Challenge encouraging Quebecers to cook one more meal each week

Montréal, le 5 octobre 2015 – À vos couteaux et fourchettes! Dans le cadre du Défi + 1, IGA met les Québécois au défi de préparer un repas de plus par semaine.
Montreal, October 5, 2105 – Get out your knives and cutting boards! IGA, in conjunction with the + 1 Challenge, is challenging Quebecers to cook one more meal each week.

Montreal, October 5, 2105 – Get out your knives and cutting boards! IGA, in conjunction with the + 1 Challenge, is challenging Quebecers to cook one more meal each week. IGA ambassadors Josée di Stasio, Christian Bégin, and Stefano Faita, along with the #IGASquad are providing Quebecers with easy tips and recipes for making savoury, economical, quick meals. Since the Joy of Eating Better includes cooking, IGA is making tools available in store, in the flyer, and online to help consumers who are stepping up to take the challenge.

1 + 1 + 1 + 1 +…= 52!

Preparing one more meal per week should be easy, shouldn't it? Not if the results from a 2014 CROP survey for the Melior program (which IGA has committed to) are anything to go by. In fact, 46% of Quebecers want tips or recipes that inspire them to eat better.

IGA and its merchants hope that by motivating Quebecers with achievable goals and equipping them for success, this initiative will create lasting change. If we ask someone who has started jogging to complete a marathon, chances are they'll throw in the towel if they don't take it one kilometre at a time. IGA wants to equip consumers to gradually work towards proudly crossing that finish line.

The benefits are substantial. By preparing just one more meal per week, Quebecers will improve their eating habits, spend more time with the family, discover new recipes, and finally, make a healthy habit part of their routine. And don't forget that at the end of the year, this will represent a 4.75% increase in the number of homemade meals – and that’s nothing to sneeze at!

Cooking more means eating better

The + 1 Challenge is a perfect fit for Sobeys' Joy of Eating Better movement. The objective is to help Quebecers eat healthier, cook together, discover new local and international flavours, and make responsible choices. By launching this new initiative, the company, its ambassadors, and the #IGASquad are inspiring and equipping Quebecers to eat better, one meal at a time.

About IGA
IGA is the largest group of independent grocers in Canada and its presence in Quebec dates to 1953. IGA retailers are constantly seeking new ways to serve their customers better. The IGA banner includes close to 300 IGA, IGA extra, IGA express, and IGA mini stores. Moreover, IGA is the only group of food retailers to offer consumers the opportunity to accumulate AIR MILES® reward miles.

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For further information:
Laurie Fossat
Communications Advisor, Sobeys Québec
Tel: 514-324-1010, ext. 2158