Fonds Éco IGA - Par le jour de la Terre

Fonds Éco IGA

Nearly 3,000 environmental projects financed throughout Quebec and now New-Brunswick as well.

What is Fonds Éco IGA?

The Fonds Éco IGA was founded in 2008 by Quebec’s IGA grocers, who donate $1 million to it annually. It is managed by Jour de la Terre, an organization that helps people and organizations reduce their impact on the environment. The Fonds Éco IGA finances concrete projects focused, among others, but not exclusively, on waste management, food waste and sustainable mobility. Since its inception, it has helped fund multiple sustainable projects responding to the realities of the communities in all regions of Quebec and New Brunswick.

icon trousse Eco-friendly items

Fonds Éco IGA is offering an intro to environmental responsibility with an awareness workshop, a how-to guide and a kit of reusable items made right here in Quebec!  The workshop is about 15 minutes long and the how-to guide is available online. The kit contains two reusable dish covers, two reusable paper towels, a washable sponge and a large food storage bag, all made in Quebec, for $30 ($80 value).

Distributions of eco-friendly items are over. Visit Earth Day’s website to get updates on the next conferences distributions coming up.

 À vos Frigos

icon trousse Residual Waste Management


In 2013, the Fonds Éco-IGA launched a major program to optimize residual waste management (RWM) in IGA supermarkets.

The goal of the RWM program is to give a second life to as much cardboard, food waste and other waste generated by IGA supermarkets as possible, by helping grocers practise better RWM.

To recognize grocers’ efforts to improve their RWM, Earth Day created Action/Reduction, a certification program designed for the grocery sector.

Residual Waste Management

Support service provided by Earth Day to IGA grocers

IGA stores can count on the expertise of an Earth Day RWM advisor to help them implement best practices. The support service includes in-store visits, tailored advice, training on sorting waste, signage tools and support with the aim of obtaining Action/Reduction certification.


Action/Reduction certification highlights the strides taken in residual waste management. Certification must be renewed every two years with the goal of continuous improvement. Click here to see the various certification levels, evaluation criteria and participating stores.

Watch these videos featuring two of our grocers that achieved the highest level of certification, Diamond (only available in French).

Results that speak for themselves

We are proud of the fact that the IGA grocers are taking part in the RWM optimization program and that of those, 80% are Action/Reduction certified. Earth Day teams and IGA grocers are working together to increase these numbers every year!