Child and youth mental health - a family of support

The demand for mental health care continues to grow. In order to make these services more accessible to young Quebecois individuals, IGA is proud to contribute to the initiative "Mental Health in Youth: A Whole Family to Support Them." This initiative aligns with our common goal of promoting a healthy future for all by helping a greater number of children quickly access mental health support.

All funds collected will be used to support initiatives related to youth mental health within hospitals in their region.

To learn more about this initiative, please visit

We thank you for your support!

The organization, Children's Hospital Foundations of Canada, encompasses 13 hospitals across the country, including those supported in Quebec:

The Montreal Children's Hospital Foundation

La mission de The mission of The Montreal Children's Hospital Foundation is to inspire and mobilize the community to support innovation in clinical care, research, and teaching at The Children's Hospital. An internationally renowned pediatric Hospital integrated with the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC), The Children's provides highly specialized health care and supports the Health and Human Development Program of the Research Institute of the MUHC.

Testimonial of a Mother Who Received Support from the Montreal Children's Hospital Foundation

Chloé* was only seven years old when she began to suffer from eating disorders. Initially, the symptoms were subtle: she would leave food on her plate or skip dessert. Gradually, her eating behavior worsened. She would snack on her food and claim she wasn't hungry because she had eaten too many snacks. Over time, she developed a genuine eating disorder. During the pandemic, Chloé's eating habits worsened. Unbeknownst to her family, nine-year-old Chloé stopped eating. In the span of three weeks, she lost eight kilograms, and her weight dropped to 28 kilograms (61.7 pounds). She could barely walk. Two years of anguish for Chloé as she relearned how to eat. Chloé's mother recalls sitting at the beginning of the family therapy workshops at The Children's with her daughter for her first meal. Six hours. It took six hours of insistence, cajoling, and comforting for her daughter to eat six pieces of tortellini. Chloé adamantly refused. She yelled, screamed, and cried. She lashed out physically. This behavior continued day after day for a while, at every meal and snack. "It was a truly horrible period. But I had to be unwavering with Chloé. I couldn't give in. I had to make her eat. Her life was in danger," said Magali, Chloé's mother.

It took two long years for Chloé to overcome her eating disorders. For the past six months, 11-year-old Chloé is doing well. She has regained her healthy weight. She smiles and eats well again.

Names have been changed to preserve anonymity.

CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation

Children and teens dream big, act boldly and make over-the-top their norm. Like them, and for them, the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation sees beyond the impossible to redefine what’s possible. The Foundation mobilizes communities in support of the excellence and innovation that are the hallmarks of Sainte-Justine. The Foundation strives to inspire and motivate donors to help transform pediatric medicine and improve the lives of children and their family. One gift at a time, the Foundation empowers Sainte-Justine to drive change and build a better tomorrow for all, and for generations to come.

Testimonial of a patient who received support from the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation

“Thanks to the Sainte-Justine team, and the support I received for my physical and mental health, I was able to keep a positive outlook when I was sick and going through cancer treatment. I wouldn't be who I am today without their support.”

Victoria, 15

IWK Foundation (In New Brunswick)

The Foundation supports the urgent and priority needs of IWK Health in Halifax, Nova Scotia. It provides specialized care to children and youth from all the Maritime provinces. It is building a movement aimed at making a significant impact on the lives of children and their families.