Tough Cookies Tattoos are Back!

From May 30 to June 19, support the Fondation Charles-Bruneau by purchasing the two new Tough Cookies tattoo sheets. They will give you exclusive access to our new feature—an immersive audio story where you play the hero!

The tale of the new Tough Cookies was inspired by children who have received care at Charles-Bruneau centres and units, and who are now in remission from cancer. The tale was brought to life by Quebec illustrator PisHier. This year, you’ll have to help Astronoix, a real Tough Cookie, uncover the mystery of the magic dip stolen by baddies from outer space!

While having fun being the hero in this new audio story, you will also be supporting pediatric cancer research!

How to participate:


Buy tattoos for $3 each at IGA.

Find a grocery store


Scan the QR code on the back of your tattoo sheet with a mobile device or tablet to access the Tough Cookies immersive audio story.



Discover a whole world of creativity and fun inspired by our love for food! Then, have fun finding clues among the various images to find the magic dip!

Also available at voilà par IGA

Meet the Tough Cookies that inspired the story!

Alyah, Logan, Emmanuelle and Seanne helped create the new immersive audio story where you are the hero. These four Tough Cookies received treatment at a Charles-Bruneau hemato-oncology centre or unit and are now in remission.

Other ways to help:

You can also support the foundation by purchasing the following affiliated products or by donating an amount of your choice at the checkout before June 19.

See all products