The Fondation Charles-Bruneau helps children with cancer from everywhere in the province. The Foundation is proud to be the largest funder of pediatric hematology oncology research in Quebec.
The latest commitments announced are necessary to allow major breakthroughs in research.
By 2022 :
- $ 22 million will be invested in the Unité de recherche en hémato-oncologie pédiatrique Charles-Bruneau at CHU Sainte-Justine
- $ 4 million will also be donated to the Montreal Children's Hospital
Two objectives will serve to guide researchers: finding a cure for the 20% of children whose cancer is resistant to treatment, and improving the quality of life of children in remission so that they can enjoy a true recovery. While these commitments are ambitious, the Foundation is confident that it can count on its loyal partners and the people.
Over the past 29 years, the sum of $15 million has been invested in research, and an additional $40 million has gone toward the construction, procurement and development of a Cancer Centre, a research center and three Charles-Bruneau units in Québec.