Dinner time

Dinner time!

Quick, easy and delicious!

The daily grind of school/work/sleep also includes having to make meals for the whole family. To simplify your life, we’ve put together a short guide on how to better organize your weeknights and spend less time in the kitchen.

15-minute meals

Coming home after a long day at work can be stressful! To alleviate some of that stress, try preparing some of your dishes on the weekend. Plan your meals for the week and prepare one or two of your dishes ahead of time. You could also pre-cut the ingredients you’ll need for the week—then all that’s left to do is throw everything together when you get home from work!

No-cook meals are also a huge time saver. Think salads made with last night’s leftovers (chicken, salmon, etc.), tartars, ceviche, poke bowls, cold soups, the list goes on! And if your BBQ is accessible all year-round, why not fire it up on those extra-busy nights? It’s a simple and fast solution that makes any night feel like summer!

No more dishes!

The best way to avoid that dreaded pile of post-dinner dirty dishes? Sheet pan or one-pot recipes! The sheet pan method entails placing all your veggies, along with your meat or fish, on a baking dish, throwing it in the oven, and then enjoying a delicious dinner—no pots and pans required! You can also opt for the one-pot method: simply combine all your ingredients (example: uncooked pasta, veggies and herbs) in a large casserole dish, cover with liquid and let simmer away until done!

The freezer: your BFF

Another great tip is to make a larger quantity of what you’re already cooking for dinner and freeze the extras for a later date. Spaghetti sauce, soups and stews all freeze well; simply unthaw them in the fridge all day, warm them up when you get home, and enjoy! Also, when prepping your vegetables on the weekend, grill or roast a few extra portions to freeze. This way, you’ll always have “fresh” veggies to toss into any meal.

Cook with friends

Cooking with a friend is fun, so why not make a day of it? Make Sunday your meal-prepping day. Invite a friend over, pick two recipes each, double the quantities and presto! You each have four meals to start the week! Asian chicken soup, vegetarian curry, breakfast banana bread, a trio of spreads for lunch . . . the possibilities are endless!

Tips for reducing waste

reusable food wraps

When storing leftovers, avoid using plastic wrap and instead opt for aluminum foil (it’s 100% recyclable), or all-natural reusable food wraps.

mesh bags

Stop using plastic bags to transport your fruits and vegetables and use mesh bags instead. They’re practical, eco-friendly, and can be tossed in backpacks and handbags for a healthy snack on the go!

cloth wipes

Say good-bye to paper towels! Instead, use reusable cloths and toss them in the wash when need be. A wide variety of stores sell ultra-absorbent cloth wipes that are perfect for the job!

homemade vegetable broth

Don’t throw way vegetable scraps and peels . . . keep them and get creative! Freeze them for the next time you want to make a delicious homemade vegetable broth or sauce.

reusable plastic or glass containers

Dining out? Think of bringing reusable plastic or glass containers with you, that way you can bring home any leftovers without having to ask for a Styrofoam take-out container (Styrofoam is really bad for the environment!). Plus, you’ll have lunch for the next day!

Buy in bulk

Buy in bulk to reduce food and packaging waste.