Join the Legendary OKA Cheese Debate

Here in Quebec, we love to debate. Especially about food. Creamy coleslaw or classic? White bread or whole wheat? Tourtières or meat pies? Today, we want you to weigh in on the following legendary debate: How do you eat your OKA cheese? With or without the rind? Pick your side!

Good to the last crust

OKA cheese crust is as legendary as the cheese itself. Its unique and highly sought-after taste comes from its rind. Aged cheese has a more pronounced rind flavour. In addition to providing aroma, it adds texture and character to every bite. It’s time to introduce your guests to this gustatory pleasure so they can view OKA in a new light.

When you’re hosting your next party, bring out a beautiful platter of OKA cheeses to your guests and ask the following question to liven up the evening: How do you eat your OKA? You’d be surprised to find that many people love the rind, while others leave it aside, and some might not even know that it’s edible. The debate has officially been launched!

The secret lies in the rind

For 130 years, the traditional know-how of the Oka Abbey monks in making this exceptional cheese has been passed down from generation to generation, to the delight of OKA enthusiasts. Its numerous cheeses, recognized among others for their washed rind with amber hues, continue to make mouths water. If today the mystery of the rind were to be unravelled, there would still be rinds to eat to discover the secret of its original recipe, preciously preserved for decades. OKA cheese is a cheese that never ceases to create buzz!

Its rich and pronounced taste unanimously wins over everyone around the table and steals the spotlight on cheese platters. Regardless of the occasion, whether it’s a family brunch, festive aperitif, or celebratory event, OKA cheese is always welcome on any plate with its finesse and irresistible buttery side.


And you? How do you eat your OKA cheese? Join the legendary debate by choosing your side: WITH or WITHOUT rind. You have the chance to win a one-year supply of OKA cheese! Until April 25, invite your friends to take a stand and vote for their side on

Check out even more recipe ideas that feature OKA cheese, both with and without the rind:

View the recipes: