

How do I place my order?

Once you have reached the order minimum of $45, click on the shopping cart “Order” button and follow these steps:

  • If you are already a member, go directly to step 2. If not, you can create an account.
  • Choose how you will receive your order: by delivery or by pickup at the store. If by delivery, enter the address to which you wish to have your order delivered.
  • Confirm the store that will take care of your order, or select another. Careful! If you change stores, some products may not be available. Then choose the time slot for pickup or delivery of your order.
  • Choose the payment method: online or upon receipt of order.
  • It’s important to verify your order details before placing your order. It will not be processed if you do not click on “Pay and place my order.”

Is it possible to place an order ahead of time?

Yes. You can place an order up to seven days before delivery or pickup. 

Can I place an order for someone else?

You can order for someone else if you pay online. Simply enter the person’s name and address, and pay for the order with your credit card.

Why do some stores not offer the choice between pickup and delivery?

There are two possible reasons:
  1. The selected store does not offer delivery;
  2. Your home is located outside the store’s delivery zone.

When ordering, can I give instructions on selecting perishable items such as produce?

Of course! In the detailed shopping cart, you can include comments or special instructions for each product. To access them from the online grocery store, click on the "See the cart" button in your mini grocery cart.

What if I forgot an item on my order or want to change it?

Contact your IGA store directly. Consult the store file for contact information.

How do I cancel an order?

You have two options if you wish to cancel an order:
  1. In your online account, select the order to be cancelled and click "Cancel my order."
  2. Contact the IGA store taking care of your order directly. If there is little time left to cancel, it is better to contact the store directly. Consult the store file for contact information.

Check your order status in the current orders section of your account. Once order assembly has begun (processing), you can no longer modify or cancel your order.

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