Heat oil over medium-high in a large pan.
Add onions and garlic and fry 5 minutes or until soft.
Add eggplant and cook 10 to 15 minutes, stirring regularly. Add zucchini and cook 5 minutes longer.
Add tomatoes, tofu, oregano and basil. Salt and pepper to taste. Reduce heat to medium and continue cooking 10 minutes.
Serve with brown rice or other cereal grain.
* It is recommended you drain large eggplants before use to remove part of the water and bitterness. To do this, simply cut in half and sprinkle with coarse salt. Let stand 1 to 2 hours, then rinse to remove the salt. Because the bitterness of eggplant varies, this step is not always necessary.
The soy protein in tofu helps lower the level of blood lipids and prevent cardiovascular disease.