

Find out what an aide-gourmet can do for you!
You're inspired by a new product  in store, but aren't quite sure how to prepare it? Just look for an IGA aide-gourmet.

For great advice, consult our IGA aide-gourmets!

You're inspired by a new product  in store, but aren't quite sure how to prepare it? Just look for an IGA aide-gourmet. This person, who you'll recognize by their red uniform, has been specifically trained to respond to all your food-related questions. You’ll find an experienced aide-gourmet in every department of the store!

Lots of services offered

Aide-gourmets are there to advise you while you’re shopping because their training has given them in-depth knowledge of their departments.
Here’s a list of services they offer:
  • Recipe ideas
  • Gourmet tips
  • Cooking advice
  • Advice about hygiene and cleanliness

Specific training for each department

Aide-gourmets are each appointed to a specific department, so they become veritable department experts! Before they can be called aide-gourmets, employees must complete a specially designed training program of food courses, cooking workshops, and new product modules. They work hard to learn about their products so they can pass this knowledge on to you.

Behind every aide-gourmet you’ll find a team of chefs and nutritionists!

Did you know that aide-gourmets have direct access to the expertise of chefs and nutritionists? If they don’t know the answer to a question, they can call the INFO AIDE-GOURMETS telephone line to get it! They’re your direct link to a team of professionals who are devoted to the pleasure of healthy eating and epicurean cuisine!
The next time you visit IGA, look for the red jackets. They’ll help you make the most of the food you buy!