It smells like spring... even in your home

It smells like spring . . . even in your home!

The budding trees and plants are a tell-tale sign that the warm weather is officially here. Take advantage of the season to freshen up your home décor and add some sunshine to your plate.

Here are four simple tips for invigorating your environment and letting the softness of spring infuse your home.

1. Springtime recipes

Springtime recipes

Say goodbye to soups and stews and hello to colourful, fresh recipes! To start off, enjoy delicious greenhouse fruits and vegetables by pairing them with snow crab or Northern prawns. We’re talking shrimp tartare, avocado, crab, and strawberry spread, grilled multi-coloured radishes, and tomato mozzarella stacks!

For a burst of colour and freshness, think tartares, poke bowls, or even homemade sushi. To make your life easier, opt for Sushi à la maison, which offers a variety of quality products perfect for these types of meals. 

It’s also time to inaugurate your terrace and start enjoying your BBQ again! Looking for new BBQ ideas to help kick off the season? How about grillable Quebec cheeses, Ocean Wise-certified tuna steak with pesto, or romaine lettuce or fruit brochettes cooked on the grill?

For a sweet ending to any meal, treat yourself to Quebec ice cream, such as Laiterie Chagnon.

2. A new décor

Spring is often synonymous with renewal and change. In the mood to update some rooms in your home without having to get into major repairs and renovations? A few simple touches suffice to breathe new life into any space! 

Here are a few fun suggestions: replace your current cushion covers with more colourful ones, hang a mirror to help reflect a room’s natural light, air out the living room by putting away your area rug, switch up the pictures in your frames, and most importantly, put away those winter boots and coats!

In the kitchen, let yourself be inspired by colourful fruits and veggies. For example, fill a bowl with a selection of fruit and arrange it in the centre of your table or island. It’ll add a burst of brightness and colour to the space. Plus, your family will be more inclined to reach for a healthy snack! 

3. A green spring cleaning

green spring cleaning

Let the light and fresh air into your home! Open your windows and blinds and let the whole family fuel up on springtime energy! Once you’ve aired the house out, roll up your sleeves and get ready for some good old spring cleaning.

For an eco-friendly spring-cleaning session, use natural ingredients found in your pantry. Here are a few simple ways to make your own, all-natural cleaning products. 


  • To make your mirrors and windows shine: soak a rag with lemon juice and rub the surfaces, then wipe with a dry cloth.
  • To revitalize your cutting boards: thoroughly clean them with soapy water, than rub them with half a lemon, pulp-side down.
  • To freshen up the air: fill a pot with water, some lemon slices, and a few sprigs of rosemary. Bring to a boil, then let simmer for an hour. Breathe in the fresh smell! 

White vinegar

  • To disinfect and neutralize unpleasant odours: use it as-is, or mix with a few drops of essential oil. Perfect for cleaning the fridge!
  • To make your windows shine: combine 1 part vinegar with 4 parts water.

Baking soda

  • To scrub the oven and kitchen sink: for a light abrasive, combine a bit of water with baking soda, then gently scrub the desired surface. 
  • To absorb dirt and neutralize unpleasant odours: sprinkle on your carpets or couches, let sit for 15 minutes, then remove with a vacuum cleaner.

4. A mini garden in your kitchen

Fresh herbs are key when it comes to elevating the flavours of any dish. To always have some on-hand, consider growing a small indoor garden! Install it next to a kitchen window and enjoy their aroma, their beauty, and of course, their delicious taste!

In the mood for a fun and practical project? Grow a mini garden in your kitchen using the vegetables you already have on-hand. Soak the root ends of your lettuce, green onions, fennel, leek, or celery in water. Once new roots have begun to sprout, transfer to a soil-filled pot. Once the weather outside is warm enough, place your plants on your balcony and watch them grow!  

For those of you who appreciate simplicity and quality, opt for potted fresh herbs, like those offered by Herbes gourmandes. Grown in Quebec greenhouses, these herbs are ready to be savoured and add a ton of flavour to any recipe! Learn more about how to preserve them with these tips, courtesy of Ricardo .

Good to know: some fresh herbs do not play well with others! For example, make sure to keep your mint separate from other herbs, as it is very invasive. Some herbs that do fare well side-by-side include parsley and thyme, bay leaves and rosemary or tarragon, sorrel and cilantro.

And there you have it—a few simple suggestions on how to add a ton of flavour to your recipes and colour to your days! Enjoy the sunny season, everyone!