“It looks as good as it tastes!”

“It looks as good as it tastes!”

We eat with our eyes first, which is why so many chefs pay special attention to the presentation of their dishes. Follow our simple tips and learn how to plate your food like a pro. And get ready to hear your family and friends say, “it looks as good as it tastes!” You might end up feeling so proud of your culinary masterpieces that you’ll want to share photos of them on Facebook or Instagram! And while we’re at it, we’ve got a few suggestions on how to compliment your loved ones on social media. 

Compliments in this digital era

Every day (or almost), we see our friends and family post on social media, and these posts often both impress and touch us. But how to congratulate or compliment these people virtually? How can you make sure your message is properly interpretated? “Likes and loves are always appreciated, but they’re pretty mundane,” points out Dr. Véronique Ménard, psychologist. “If, for example, you want to congratulate a friend on the food photo they’ve posted, leave an actual comment. In addition to being more personal, comments show a bigger implication on the part of the person doing the complimenting. It shows that they took the time out of their day to write the message meant to praise their friend.”

Comments like “Wow! That looks amazing!” and “Just looking at that makes me hungry!” are always well received.

The psychologist also recommends “complimenting the skills and qualities needed to make such an appetizing dish.” Opt for comments such as, “That must have taken forever to make! Your patience is remarkable!” and “That’s magnificent! You are so talented!”  

*Follow Dr. Véronique Ménard, psychologist on Instagram and Tiktok, where she shares practical and fun advice!


Beautify your dishes by playing with…

… colours and textures

To up your plating game, go for contrasts. Start with colours, especially when serving meat, which can be grey or brown and drab. Fruits and vegetables—whether cooked, raw, creamed, or in a chutney—are perfect for adding a touch of orange, green, yellow, or even violet to your dishes. And their texture, whether crisp or soft, contrasts nicely with other textures (because yes, we SEE textures before we TASTE them). In fact, that perfect balance of textures is what we so often look for in salads, like this one, where the creamy avocado pairs perfectly with the crunchy peppers and walnuts. Plus, the bright colours are so appetizing!

… forms

Fill your plate with various forms. For example: grilled chicken slices on a bed of fettuccine Alfredo, topped with Parmesan petals, crumbled bacon, and some chopped chives. 

To put a smile on your kids’ faces, create funny faces or animals. Pizza, pancakes, omelets, and even veggies, will suddenly disappear like magic! 

… height

For dishes at the height of your expectations, play around with volume. Hamburgers, like this beef, grilled vegetables, and goat cheese one, are great examples of how visually pleasing stacked food can be. Before serving, cut your burgers in half and spear each half with a wooden skewer to help keep everything in place. And let your guests admire the medley of colours and textures in every bite!

You can apply the same principle to a multitude of dishes. For example, you could start by spooning a layer of cream of vegetable on your plate, followed by a 1 cm-piece of maple-glazed salmon. For even more height, place a few pieces of asparagus at a 45-degree angle between the salmon and cream of vegetable. Another great option would be these stuffed peppers. Most of all, just have fun! Try different things (some will fail, and some will be a resounding success!) and let your creativity run wild.


Compliments products you have to try

Mini or individual portions: food with flair

Bite-sized appetizers are always sure to impress your guests. You can serve them on crackers and sliced bread (who can resist these lobster and apple bites?), in small verrines (hello, mango-coriander tilapia ceviche!), in tasty cups (these shrimp bites are divine!), and even in vegetable leaves or shells (we love these crab-stuffed avocado shells). 

For your main course and dessert, opt for mini dishes, perfect for individual portions. Think mini cocottes, mini ramequins, and mini muffin tins—and have fun making mini quiches, meatloaves, stews, pâtés, meat pies, and upside-down cakes!

Smaller portions mean your plates won’t be as full, which makes for a cleaner, more stylish presentation.

Compliments products you have to try

Must-have plating tools

  • A teaspoon: perfect for spreading creams and sauces across your plate.
  • Cookie-cutters: to create original shapes and serve compact, high portions of rice, couscous, quinoa, etc.
  • Squeeze bottle: to create precise lines of coulis, sauce, and vinaigrette, or to make various shapes to fill your plate.
  • Piping bag: ideal for decorating pastries with whipped cream and frosting, as well as for serving vegetable purées in a fun and unique way.

The perfect dish…

… is all white! A neutral plate lets the food be the centre of attention. You can, however, have fun by opting for various-shaped dishes.

The finishing touch      

Almost done plating your dish? Add that finishing touch of freshly cracked pepper, pink pepper, fresh herbs, sprouts, or citrus zest.