How to Win People Over to Mushrooms

Personally, I love mushrooms! Raw, cooked, in sauces or soups... bring on the mushrooms! Even though I’m a fan of their texture and flavour, it didn’t take me long to realize that not everyone is! While all food preferences are “innate,” it’s never too late to warm to something new and open the door to new, flavourful recipes!

Hoping to share your love of mushrooms with your partner or kids? Here are a few tips to gradually introduce mushrooms into their lives!

1. Do they not like the texture? Avoid serving or cooking whole or sliced mushrooms: chop them very finely or crush them and mix them into cooked dishes like stews. Cook them in soups or in gravy served with meat.

Here are some recipe ideas:

2. Do they not like the taste? Choose recipes with other stronger-tasting foods they do like. Cook mushrooms along with wine, sharp cheeses, herbs or spices to tone down the flavour. You can also start with button mushrooms, which have a milder taste and are more versatile.

Here are some recipe ideas:

3. Do they refuse to try them? Avoid mentioning there are mushrooms in the recipe—just make sure they aren’t easy to detect! They may refuse to eat them because of a bad culinary experience they associate with mushrooms. By not focusing on the food, they can enjoy the dish without being influenced by preconceived notions.

4. To train their taste buds, you can also cook your recipe with mushrooms and remove them right before serving. That way, the taste will be more subtle and there won’t be any texture issues.

5. Don’t force anything! People’s taste preferences don’t change overnight. Presenting the food in different ways and switching up your recipes and approaches will help them develop a taste for mushrooms. Space out your attempts and when someone says no, listen!

This text is dedicated to my friend and former roommate, Anne-Audrey, and our many debates about mushrooms!