How to Avoid the Discomfort of Holiday Excess
Holiday celebrations come with tables full of rich and hearty dishes. Faced with this abundance, we often eat much more than normal and as a result, feel certain physical discomforts such as heartburn, gas and bloating. Here’s why these reactions happen, as well as a few tips to end your evenings lightly, without depriving yourselves of good food.
Also called “gastroesophageal reflux disease,” this is when acid and bile pass from the stomach to the esophagus, causing inflammation in the esophagus and chest, and a burning sensation behind the breastbone. It is often caused by ingesting ingredients that trigger symptoms:
- Spicy dishes
- Acidic foods (tomatoes, lemons, etc.)
- High-fat foods
- Coffee
- Candy and mint chewing gum
- Soft drinks
How to Avoid Them
Certain habits promote good digestion. Among these, eat slowly by chewing the food well before swallowing. To avoid causing pressure on the stomach, make sure to adopt a good posture and wear loose enough clothing at the waist.
Gas and Bloating
Sometimes embarrassing, this is nevertheless completely normal. It’s caused by the buildup of gas in the stomach or intestine and is often caused by foods rich in complex sugars, which are difficult to absorb, and therefore converted into gas. Here are some foods that can cause these discomforts:
- Legumes
- Onions, shallots, leeks and garlic
- Very ripe fruits
- Starchy foods (pasta, potatoes)
- Cruciferous vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage)
How to Avoid Them
Large meals put pressure on the digestive system and cause gas to build up, so favour eating food more often, in small quantities, to keep the digestive system constantly running. To avoid ingesting too much air, eat slowly and don’t talk too much while eating. The carbon dioxide contained in beer or soft drinks should also be limited.
The Feeling of Having Overeaten
To resist the urge to “hit the buffet” when you arrive at a party and feel nauseous or full for the rest of the evening, it’s best to eat a snack before you leave the house. You won’t have an empty stomach and you will be able to better control portion size. During the meal, eat mindfully, taking the time to enjoy every bite and actually listening to your body. If you want to try everything, take smaller portions.
When symptoms persist, there are products to relieve them. Visit the Espace Santé in Rachelle Béry grocery stores and in several IGA grocery stores, to find natural products and supplements to help you.
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