10 Facts You Didn’t Know About Carrots

You say you know everything you need to know about carrots? But did you know that its familiar orange hue is only a recent occurrence? To find out more, here are 10 fascinating facts about carrots.

1. Ancient Origins

The wild carrot, discovered in Central Asia (Afghanistan) during the prehistoric era, was renowned more for its medicinal properties than its taste. The ancestral Afghan carrot had a thin red or purple root that was very fibrous and bitter.

2. From Asia to Europe

The domestication of yellow or purple carrots occurred as early as the 10th century in Asia, and their consumption spread to Europe over two centuries. In Le Ménagier de Paris, a 14th-century culinary compilation, carrots were referred to as “garroites” and were considered an aromatic plant rather than a vegetable.

3. Carrot Day

World Carrot Day has been celebrated on April 4 every year since 2003. The initiative behind this addition to the calendar was due to a Swedish group that was eager to promote healthy eating habits. The best way to honour the carrot is, of course, is to include it in a recipe on that day!

4. Although Celebrated in April, It’s Sown in May

Carrots require soil that’s sufficiently warm to germinate, so it’s best to wait until the end of May before planting. Ideal growing temperatures range between 15°C and 20°C.

5. Slow Germination

Carrot seeds can take about six to 21 days to germinate, and require between 70 and 120 days to mature. Young sprouts cannot tolerate drought. Their roots benefit from a rich, deep and well-drained soil. The presence of stones and pebbles can also hinder root development.

6. A Strong Second

The field cultivation of carrots was the second largest in the country when it came to production volume and value. In 2022, Canadian farmers produced 348,135 metric tonnes of carrots, with sales reaching $153.9 million. Source: Agriculture Canada

7. 11,815 Football Fields…

Or 9,550 hectares. That’s the equivalent area of carrot fields planted in Canada in 2022.

8. Making Weight

The world record for the heaviest carrot was broken in 2017. The heavyweight champion weighed in at 10.16 kg, which was 1 kg more than the previous record set in 2014 (9.1 kg). It was grown by a Minnesota gardener and made its official entry into the record books.

9. Carrots Have Their Own Museum, No Matter How Small

In Belgium, a former electrical substation has been converted into a museum (the smallest in the country) dedicated to carrots! Objects and items related to the root vegetable are placed on shelves that move past a display window thanks to a lift. The location, which can only be visited from the outside, is maintained by an association of local citizens.

10. The Colour Orange is a Result of Human Intervention

There are hundreds of carrot varieties nowadays, but it wasn’t until the 17th century that the orange carrot appeared. Sweet and mild, the root vegetable as we know it today was the result of crossbreeding. It was created in the Netherlands in honour of the royal family, named “The House of Orange.” Orange is also the national colour of the Netherlands.

Has this article left you with a hankering for carrots? Here are a few ways to cook and bake with them:

Spiced Carrot Soup
View the Recipe: Spiced Carrot Soup
Maple-glazed carrots
View the Recipe: Maple-glazed carrots
Carrot Top Pesto
View the Recipe: Carrot Top Pesto
Geneviève O'Gleman's Carrot cake
View the Recipe: Geneviève O'Gleman's Carrot cake